Your Family,
Your Future, Your Choice

Your best family outcome begins here.

Family Law Matters



People fall in and out of love. You’re not the first, and unfortunately won’t be the last. What’s important is taking control of your future self by seeking exceptional legal advice, empowering yourself with knowledge, and making decisions with confidence. 

Whilst the legal paperwork for divorce is relatively straight forward, a separation is often the precursor for many other important family matters – including division of assets, child arrangements, and child support.

Whether the separation is mutual, initiated by you, or initiated by your partner – our depth of experience in family law helps you navigate this pivotal moment in your life. Regardless of gender or marriage status, our team has the insight and compassion to help you make that first step.


Child Arrangements

Ensuring your child feels loved, safe, and supported is paramount to their wellbeing. And for parents seeking to separate, championing your child’s emotional and physical needs is vital when planning your family’s future.

There are many factors to consider when parents’ divorce or separate – including where your child spends time, education, health, and decision making responsibilities. Yet at the core of every decision made must be ‘what’s in your child’s best interests?’

Often, formalising the care and responsibly of your child can be successfully achieved through mediation. For circumstances where an agreement cannot be reached, our experience and expertise in the family court system optimises the outcome of your child’s future.


Asset Division

Couples contribute to relationships in different ways – some financially, others non-financially such as being a homemaker or caring for children. When two people separate (regardless of marriage status), identifying and dividing all combined assets is an intricate process – taking into consideration property, vehicles, superannuation, savings, and debts, to name a few.

Correctly formalising the division of your assets is an important step in any separation, as it not only helps you plan your future but also protects you against future claims. 

To relieve the emotional and financial pressure of a separation, connect with our team for authentic and consistent advice that’s right for you. 


Child Support

Ensuring the emotional and financial needs of your child are met is vital to their wellbeing. And when it comes to all things financial, ensuring both parents are contributing fairly is important.

Whether a separation is amicable or not, both parents have a financial responsibility to raise their child. This includes costs relating to education, medical needs, and extra-curricular activities. In Australia, the Child Support Agency determines both parents’ financial obligations, taking into consideration the age and needs of the child, who is the primary care giver, and the earning capacity of each parent.

Whether this is the beginning of your child support discussion, or you’re wanting to review an agreement already place, our team will help you navigate all the formal channels you’re required to undertake whilst formalising a financial arrangement that is clear, documented, and in the child’s best interest.


Family Violence

Family violence is an abhorrent but sadly common occurrence for many Australian families. Coming in many different forms, violent or abusive behaviour towards a family member – be that an adult or a child - includes that of a physical, emotional, sexual, financial, and psychological nature.

If you or someone you know is experiencing family violence, there are a number or support services available. Navigating these options can be overwhelming – connect with our team for guidance, support, and advice to help protect yourself or your loved ones.

An Intervention Order can provide protection for victims of family violence. If you wish to apply for an Intervention Order, or if someone has made an Intervention Order against you, seeking experienced and expert family law advice is crucial.